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Unleash the power of "what-if" scenarios for strategic planning success. 

How it Works

The Integrated Sustainable Development Simulator (iSD Model) is a cutting-edge tool that leverages real-world data to model the long-term consequences of policies. It integrates key economic, social, and environmental factors, providing a comprehensive platform for systemic policy analysis and strategic planning. By simulating various policy interventions, it uncovers complex interdependencies, making it an indispensable tool for informed decisions about the future you envision. 


The simulator is used by policymakers and stakeholders to test and evaluate various policy options and interventions aimed at promoting sustainable development. Tailored to specific national or regional contexts, the iSD model facilitates data-driven decision-making, helping governments plan and implement integrated, sustainable development policies. 

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Stakeholder Consultations

We work closely with stakeholders to identify challenges and goals, ensuring the model reflects your unique needs and priorities.

Included Frameworks

Our simulator includes the most recognized sustainable development frameworks. 

Sustainable Development Goals

The SDGs are a global initiative to end poverty, protect the planet, and promote peace and prosperity. There are 17 goals in total, covering issues from climate change to gender equality. Adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, the SDGs are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Also known as "Safe and Just Space" framework, developed by economist Kate Raworth. It proposes a new economic model that balances the needs of people and the planet. It aims to create a sustainable and just economy that meets the needs of all while respecting the planet.

Polar projection map centered on South Pole with color-coded regions, radial divisions, continents, and distance circles.


Formulated by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, defines the limits within which humanity can safely operate. It identifies nine critical planetary boundaries, including climate change and biodiversity loss, beyond which lie unacceptable environmental degradation 






Standard Policies 


Uncover complex system interactions to reveal the impacts of various policy areas on sustainable development.


Utilize real-world data for informed insights into key development trends and states.


Evaluate potential policy effects in a simulated setting to assess effectiveness.


Design targeted, impactful sustainable development strategies based on evidence-driven insights.

Colorful Notebooks


A comprehensive documentation that describes the structure of the simulator and its key sectors. It also contains a guide for the model and user interface.

Clients & Partners

Trusted by top organizations in working with development, sustainability, and climate change. 

Our experience spans 40+ countries

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