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Integrated Model for Sustainable Development Planning

The Philippines is one of the most dynamic economies in the East Asia Pacific region. With increasing urbanization, a growing middle class, and a large and young population, the Philippines’ economic dynamism is rooted in strong consumer demand supported by a vibrant labor market and robust remittances. Business activities are buoyant with notable performance in the services sector including the business process outsourcing, real estate, and finance and insurance industries.



The Philippine government aims to define a long-term forty-year vision for the country with policy levers and sectoral strategies that will bring the country to a much improved state where economic and social growth will be more robust, more inclusive and sustainable. Millennium Institute, in partnership with the National Economic and Development Authority conducted an integrated assessment of the country’s development dynamics to explore development options and policies relating to the structural and institutional reforms that can bring the country to prosperous, predominantly middle-class society where no one is poor.

Key Policies and Reccomendations

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