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System Dynamics-Based
Development Planning Course

22 January - 16 February 2024 | Online
11 March - 05 April 2024 | Online or Bergen, Norway

We have reached the halfway mark of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and while some progress has been achieved, it is evident that there is still much work to be done to attain any of the goals. As the global community grapples with ongoing repercussions from the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders are confronted with crucial questions: What are the most effective and cost-efficient solutions to enhance the resilience of our social and economic systems against future shocks while safeguarding our finite environmental resources? To achieve the SDGs, it is imperative that we comprehend the intricacies of sustainable development and establish a clear path forward.


The course is structured in two modules to provide participants with an understanding of sustainable development planning: an exclusively online module titled Introduction to Integrated Development Planning from 22 January to 16 February 2024, and a second module, Model-Based Socioeconomic Planning from 11 March to 05 April 2024, which participants can attend either online or in person in Bergen, Norway. Participants are required to enroll in both modules.



Through a series of case studies and practical exercises, participants in this course will cultivate expertise in understanding, mapping, and analyzing intricate sustainable development challenges using System Dynamics methodology. They will also learn how to identify the most effective approaches for resolving these challenges from a systems perspective. Participants will gain knowledge about developing robust, multi-sector, and multi-disciplinary strategies, designing policies, and making decisions within national contexts. The course is also an introduction to the Integrated Sustainable Development Goals (iSDG) planning framework developed by the Millennium Institute.


The course is designed for professionals engaged in national development planning, particularly those responsible for formulating policies and programs aligned with development frameworks such as the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Sendai Framework. Typical participants include policy analysts, advisors, and specialists involved in implementation and evaluation from government agencies, policy research institutes, and international development organizations


No course fee. Participants are required to pay a semester fee of 590 Norwegian Krone (about $55) to the University of Bergen.

Participants are also responsible for their travel, accommodation, and living expenses while in Norway. An average student budget in Norway is about $1,200 per month for most expenses including university housing, food, study materials, transport, and activities. Millennium Institute or the University of Bergen do not offer scholarships to attend the course.



Complete the application form and return it with all supporting documentation to A fully completed application must be submitted by 17 November 2023.


The critical-thinking pedagogical approach is what I like most. It challenged us to think critically and systemically, to learn from others with diverse backgrounds, and to take an active role in learning.

We were  involved in the creation of a model for a virtual country. It was extremely helpful to see modeling step-by-step, which helped us to better understand development dynamics. It is exactly what is called 'learning by doing'.

The course was very interesting. It was a good opportunity to  apply prior knowledge of development issues in practical ways using a method that I was previously unfamiliar with, but that I now think is key for effective national planning.

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